Native-authored works in the HathiTrust Digital Library
This project seeks to compile a collection of Native American-authored works in HathiTrust and apply various text-mining methods to the collection to reveal the coverage, subjects, perspectives, and writing styles of Native authors. This list is aligned with the HathiTrust digital library to create a workset of Native American-authored works in HathiTrust for further analysis. A variety of text-mining methods were used to analyze the subjects, topics, language use, and writing styles of Native American authors. Comparative analysis will be carried out to understand the characteristics of these textual communities. The project created a database of Native American authors and the bibliographic information of their works, created a reusable workset of Native American-authored works in HathiTrust, and provided insights into the characteristics of the community via text mining.
Center for the Ethics of Indigenous Genomic Research
(The University of Oklahoma)
The Mission of the Center for the Ethics of Indigenous Genomic Research (CEIGR) is to lead research, education, and outreach for ethical genomic research in partnership with American Indian and Alaska Native communities. Our Center works Indigenous communities and researchers to identify and develop approaches to genomic research that align with the values, interests, expectations, and needs of American Indian and Alaska Native peoples.
Andrew W. Mellon Impact Fellows Program
(The University of Oklahoma)
​Native American Studies and the OU Native Nations Center received a generous grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to support the development of an undergraduate fellowship in Native American and Indigenous Studies. The fellowship will emphasize experiential learning, faculty mentorship, and transferable skills. Mellon Impact Fellows will take one required class in Native American Studies, and complete an internship that will emphasize professionalization. Graduates of this program will be in a strong position to transition into careers or undertake further graduate or professional education.
The Atlantic Fellows for Social Equity
(University of Melbourne and Oxford University)
The Atlantic Fellows for Social Equity is a life-changing fellowship for Indigenous social equity in Australia, Aotearoa and the Pacific region. Based at the University of Melbourne, the AFSE program represents a 20-year investment into Indigenous-led social change through a powerful network of Fellows.
(Sydney University of Technology and The University of Melbourne)
Based on evidence that effective governance is a necessary precursor to Indigenous communities’ economic, social and cultural outcomes, this project aims to strengthen Australian Indigenous communities by learning and sharing lessons about sustainable and effective Indigenous governance. In collaboration with three Aboriginal communities in Victoria, South Australia and NSW that are differentially engaged in Indigenous governance processes, the project will identify innovation in community governance, test the usefulness of Australian governance assessment tools, and foster an Indigenous Australian and global network to share successful strategies. In doing so, the project contributes to an emerging theory of Indigenous nation building.